The Marvel Studios blockbuster hit has won the Best Ensemble award at the 25th Screen Actor Guild Awards held in Los Angeles on Sunday, putting it in strong contention for an Oscars win this February. Marvel Studios made a commitment to changing the look of their movies with Black Panther, which is the first Marvel Cinematic Universe film to be led by a person of color. The studio put $200 million behind the blockbuster and surrounded star Chadwick Boseman with a great supporting cast.
Black Panther also won for Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture beating out its fellow Marvel films, Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp.
As for seeing the movie we have seen the movie atleast 5 times (yes 5 times). The reason is to catch things that we may have missed. All that to say it is an AMAZING movie and if by now you haven’t seen this movie go ahead and do yourself a favor and see it!!!