If you live in Baltimore and you say hip hop there are many hip hop artists you can mention but if you speak of Baltimore hip hop one of the ones you would mention is none other than Skarr Akbar without a doubt.

When you check out the video you are quickly reminded where hip hop came from which has evolved. Skarr is great at his craft that makes him stand alone in what he does. Take our word for it!!
He takes you on a journey with his music from the cd “Fear Love Respect” to “Lessons to The Land & The Land(Bonus Album)” to Dark Day In December”.

Go cop his new
The song appears on the album “Dark Day in December” and can ONLY be brought at BAND CAMP.

Check out his new video…

“Circa 88”

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LISTEN In To Us…TheRaydioTwins

LISTEN TO THE RAYDIO TWINS HERE !! Saturday’s at 3pm ! Check us out @ 3pm Saturday’s ! Go to #slightlyannoying #welovemusuc #theraydiotwins #musiclovers ...