Black Facts = 1956 (Jan. 30) – Martin Luther King, Jr.’s home was bombed on this date. Dr. King’s daughter, Yolanda Denise, Mrs. King, and a friend were in the house as the bomb was hurled onto the porch. No one was injured.
If we went tonight and asked the people to get back on the bus, we would be ostracized,” Martin Luther King, Jr., told Executive Board members of the Montgomery Improvement Association. Speaking at an afternoon meeting held after his arrest on speeding charges and following reports of MIA dissention had appeared in the press, King insisted that MIA leaders should continue the bus boycott. “My intimidations are a small price to pay if victory can be won,” King remarked.
At 9:15 p.m., while King speaks at a mass meeting, his home is bombed. His wife and daughter are not injured. Later King addresses an angry crowd that gathers outside the house, pleading for nonviolence.