Black Fact =(1961)Arthur Ashe

Black Fact = 1970(Jan. 28)  – Arthur Ashe, first Black male to win Wimbledon, is denied entry to compete on the US Team for the South African Open tennis championships due to Ashe’s sentiments on South Africa’s racial policies.

Born on July 10, 1943, in Richmond, Virginia, he became the first, and is still the only, African-American male tennis player to win the U.S. Open and Wimbledon. He is also the first African-American man to be ranked as the No. 1 tennis player in the world. Always an activist, when Ashe learned that he had contracted AIDS via a blood transfusion, he turned his efforts to raising awareness about the disease, before finally succumbing to it on February 6, 1993


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Black Fact = (1971) Bunche

Black Fact= 1971 (December 9) – Dr.Ralph Johnson Bunche, “Nobel Peace Prize” winner and Undersecretary of the United Nations (1955-1971), died at age 67 on ...