Black Fact = (1828,1950 & 1853)Zulu,Bunche & Murray

1- Black Fact = 1828 (September 22) – Shaka Zulu born 1787, the great Zulu King, was killed on this date in 1828. Shaka was a Zulu chief (1816–28) and the founder of the Zulu empire in Southern Africa. He is credited with creating a fighting force that devastated the entire region.

2- Black Fact =1950 (September 22) – Dr. Ralph Johnson Bunche became the first black person to be awarded the “Nobel Peace Prize” on this date in 1950. 

3- Black Fact = 1853(September 22) – George Washington Murray, an outspoken Congressman from South Carolina, was born a slave in Sumter County, SC, on this date in 1853. Murray, an avid supporter of blacks’ rights, fought against anti-black policies. #theraydiotwins 

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