Black Fact = (1934) Walker

Black Facts = 1934 (December 15) – Maggie Lena Walker, business woman and the first black woman to organize and serve as president of an American bank, died in Richmond, VA, on this date in 1934.

Maggie Lena Walker was born on July 15, 1864, in Richmond, Virginia. She attended school and graduated in 1883, having been trained as a teacher. She married a brick contractor in 1886 and left her teaching job, at which point she became more active within the Independent Order of St. Luke, an an organization dedicated to the social and financial advancement of African Americans. In 1899, Maggie Walker became grand secretary of the organization—a position that she would hold for the rest of her life. During her tenure, she founded the organization’s newspaper, and opened a highly successful bank and a department store. By the time she died, on December 15, 1934, Walker had turned the nearly bankrupt organization into a profitable and effective one. #theraydiotwins

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Black Fact = (1899) L. C. Bailey

Black Fact = 1899- L. C. Bailey, inventor, patented the Folding Bed for passenger train sleeping compartments on this date in 1899. Patent # 629,286. ...