Black Fact = (1931) The Scottsboro Boys trial

Black Fact = 1931 (April 6) – The Scottsboro trial, a trial of nine black youths who were falsely accused of raping two white women in Scottsboro, AL, began on this date in 1931.

In the first set of trials in April 1931, an all-white, all-male jury quickly convicted the Scottsboro Boys and sentenced eight of them to death. The trial of the youngest, 13-year-old Leroy Wright, ended in a hung jury when one juror favored life imprisonment rather than death.

The evi- dence at trial overwhelmingly proved that they were innocent. Ruby Bates recanted her previous testimony in Scottsboro. Bates testified that she was never raped and that she and Victoria Price made up the whole story to keep from being arrest- ed for vagrancy.


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