Black Fact = (1961) The Freedom Riders

Black Fact = 1961 (May 20) – The Freedom Riders were again attacked by a mob in Montgomery, AL,. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy ordered 400 U.S. marshals to Montgomery to restore order. Freedom Riders were civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated Southern United States in 1961 and subsequent years to challenge the non-enforcement of the United States Supreme Led by CORE Director James Farmer, 13 young riders (seven black, six white, including but not limited to a young (Former U.S. Representative) JOHN LEWIS (21), Genevieve Hughes (28), Mae Frances Moultrie, Joseph Perkins, Charles Person (18), Ivor Moore, William E. Harbour (19), Joan Trumpauer Mullholland (19), and Ed Blankenheim).


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Black Fact =(1972) Robert Wedgeworth

Black Fact  – 1972 (April 24) – Robert Wedgeworth is named the first African American Director of the American Library Association. Robert Wedgeworth became President of ...